awards & achievements
Our staff and pupils are proud to share details of the awards we have received over the last few years. These awards recognise the hard work staff and pupils have applied in particular areas. If you would like further information, please let us know!
On 9 February 2017, we were awarded Gold accreditation against the Investors in People Standard, joining the top seven per cent of accredited organisations across the UK, demonstrating our commitment to high performance through good people management. Investors in People is the international standard for people management, defining what it takes to lead, support and manage people effectively to achieve sustainable results.
We were pleased to achieve the Engaging Families Award in 2017. This was a special award for us because it also reflected the hard work undertaken by our parents' group, Friends of Joseph Norton (FoJNA). To achieve the award JoJNA held events such as the Christmas coffee morning and Summer BBQ to involve our parents in the school community. We also invited parents to sample and give feedback on school lunches. Most importantly, FoJNA helped us develop our Parent Partnership Policy and Parent room where we hold regular events and meetings.
We were delighted to achieve the Primary Science Quality Mark on 6 June 2018. The Primary Science Quality Mark is a unique award programme to develop and celebrate the profile of science teaching, learning and leadership in schools. The award identifies our clear vision for the teaching and learning of science; our understanding of the importance and value of science to children's learning; the range of teaching strategies that we use and how all pupils are actively engaged in their own learning and achievement.
We are extremely proud to be listed as a holder of the Restorative Service Quality Mark (RSQM), which we achieved in October 2017. The RSQM is a badge of quality that guarantees we provide safe, high quality restorative practice that meets the six Restorative Service Standards. The award shows that restorative practice is championed at a senior level; that it is embedded across the school and that we monitor and evaluate our performance.
We are pleased to share that we have achieved the School Games Silver Award for the 2018/19 academic year. The School Games Mark is a Government led award scheme launched in 2012, facilitated by the Youth Sport Trust to reward schools for their commitment to the development of competition across their school and into the community, and we are delighted to have been recognised for our success.
We are delighted to confirm that following external verification, Jwe have been awarded the Carnegie Centre of Excellence for Mental Health in Schools ‘School Mental Health Award’ – Gold Status. This has been a significant piece of work and evidences the positive and relentless work the school undertakes to improve emotional health and wellbeing for both staff and pupils.