What is Wellspring?
Wellspring Academy Trust is a Multi-Academy Trust and an approved DfE Academy sponsor. The Trust is focused upon improving life chances for pupils and communities in the Yorkshire and Humber region.
Our determination to make a difference is rooted in Moral Purpose. We want to improve outcomes and life chances for young people. Our Moral Purpose is manifested in our Principles, Beliefs, Aims and Commitments.
Wellspring Academy Trust is borne out of the following principles:
We are ethical
We will do what is best for all our young people, schools and communities
We will add value to the system
We are outward facing
We will work closely with and for the benefit of all school staff, leadership teams, Governing Bodies and central staff. In so doing, we are working for the benefit of all pupils in our schools
We will work effectively in partnership with Local Authorities and local schools
We believe that clearly and simply articulated ambition and a relentless drive for improvement from the top is key to the success of an organisation
We believe that trusting relationships, effective communications and ongoing capacity building are keys to sustained and sustainable organisational improvement
We believe that information, education, training and support are key drivers for system improvement
Our Trust will support its schools
Our Trust will challenge all of its schools to improve, irrespective of their position on the improvement continuum
Our Trust will influence wider education policy
Our principles, beliefs, aims and commitments add up to a vision, which is to achieve a step-change in outcomes for young people in the Yorkshire and Humber region.
Together we can make the difference.
Additional Information
The full name, registered postal address and telephone number of the Trust can be found here.
The annual accounts can be found here.
Additional information about the Wellspring Community can be found here.
Information about the Trust's governance structure including organisational chart, the remit of Members, the Trust Board, Board Committees and Local Governing Bodies can be accessed here.
Our Gender Pay Gap information and Modern Slavery Statement can be found here.