Statement on effective governance

Strong and effective governance underpins the most effective academies. Wellspring Academy Trust is committed to supporting the highest quality of governance in all its academies.

Our local governing body (LGB) is, in effect, a sub-committee of the Trust Board.  The Wellspring board expects members of each LGB to govern and to conduct themselves according to the seven principles of public life and requires governors to accept and adhere to the Code of Conduct.

There are three core functions of governance:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction at school level and with reference to the Trust

  • Holding the leadership at all levels to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils and the performance management of staff

  • Overseeing the financial performance of the school, making sure that money is well spent.

The Academy Governing Body explained

The Trust Board is responsible to the Secretary of State for the effectiveness of all its academies.  In order to ensure effectiveness at academy level the Board delegates key responsibilities to the LGB. The Schemes of Delegation and Terms of Reference can be found at

The LGB is responsible for strategic overview, scrutiny and challenge at the school and discharges is duties within the context set by the Trust Board.  Governors are not expected to be routinely involved in the day-to-day activity of the school.

The Headteacher and school staff lead and manage the day-to-day operation of the school.

If you wish to contact the Chair of Governors, please email: or by post at Wellspring Academy Trust, Digital Media Centre, County Way, Barnsley, S70 2JW.

Meet the Chair and Vice Chair

The Chair of the Local Governing Body is Julian Kennett and can be contacted via Wellspring Academy Trust, Digital Media Centre, County Way, Barnsley S70 2JW.

Julian Kennett

Our Chair of Governors is Julian Kennett. Julian is also link governor for Leadership and Management and Standards of Achievement. Julian has an honours degree in German and History from the University of London. He has worked overseas with the Foreign Office in Bangladesh, Ghana, Russia and Germany undertaking a range of law enforcement roles. He now works at the Department for Education in Sheffield managing the delivery of new schools .

Kerry Morgan

Our Vice-Chair is Kerry Morgan. Kerry has a BA honours degree in English with Qualified Teacher Status and a post graduate qualification in Special Educational Needs Co-ordination. She has dedicated her teaching career to developing her skills and expertise in supporting children with additional needs in a mainstream setting. She currently holds the position of Senior Leader/SENDCO at a primary school where SEND numbers are well above the national average, particularly in the areas of social, emotional,  mental health and communication needs.As Senior Mental Health Lead within her school, Kerry has responsibility for promoting the wellbeing of pupils and staff throughout school and is a qualified Mental Health First Aider. Within her role, she works closely with external outreach services and the mental health support teams to ensure the emotional and learning needs of pupils are effectively met.

In addition to this, Kerry is a Special Leader of Education (SLE) for Special Educational Needs and Key Stage 1 assessment, and has led external moderation for the local authority. She also forms part of the decision-making groups for EHC needs assessments within Kirklees including forming mainstream representation on the placement panels for SEND settings. Kerry is part of the Inclusion Working Party for the North Huddersfield Learning Community Partnership and has experience of supporting colleagues with the development of SEND policy and practice within their settings.

Other Governors with Key Responsibilities

Warwick Firmin

With an honours degree in biochemistry and a masters degree in education, Warwick worked in Kirklees 11-16 High Schools for 31 years, firstly as a science teacher followed by 15 years as a senior leader, including 10 years as a head teacher.  He then worked for over 10 years (until recent retirement) as a senior education officer for Kirklees Council, with particular focus on strategic planning (including BSF), resourcing, governance and admissions. Warwick is committed to providing the most disadvantaged and vulnerable young people with the equality of opportunities to achieve their potential.  He worked in schools in some of the most challenging circumstances and, as an officer, worked to ensure that all expertise and resources were focused on closing the achievement gap. Warwick has been a school governor for over 20 years. He is link governor for safeguarding, attendance and behaviour. Warwick can be contacted via the Clerk to Governors at the school. 

Emily Haddock (Trust appointed Governor)

Emily has a wealth of special needs experience. She has always worked in special and alternative provision and previous roles include Headteacher of the Orchards Special School and Executive Headteacher of ROC Northwest. Emily joined Wellspring during the pandemic, initially working as interim Executive Vice Principal at Greenacre when COVID thwarted her attempt at taking a year off to go travelling! Emily is currently Headteacher of Kisharon Noé School, a special school in North London but regularly travels back to her home in South Manchester. Emily is the link governor for teaching and learning and careers.

Humaria Khadim (Trust appointed Governor)

Awaiting Bio

Josh Greaves (ex officio in place of the CEO)

Josh was a Business Management consultant in South Yorkshire before relocating to the North East as a Business Manager. He was Business Director and Chief Financial Officer in a large, Special Academy Trust. Josh is a Specialist Leader of Education, holds the Advanced Diploma in School Business Management and is a PRINCE2 Project Management Practitioner. He is Deputy CEO of the Trust.

Sarah Wilson (ex officio)

Sarah attends meetings in her role as Executive Principal. More information about Sarah can be found here.

Staff Governors

The position of staff governor is extremely popular at our school and elections are held on an annual basis. The staff team are currently represented by Lucy Kirk (teachers) and Eliza Drewery (support staff).

The governors register of business interests can be found here.

To find out more about governance at Wellspring Academy Trust, including attendance records at board and committee meetings over the last academic year, please click here.

To request an Application Pack to become a governor, or to request a copy of meeting dates, LGB minutes or Trust Board minutes please contact the Clerk to the Governing Body on 01226 720741 or by emailing