Joseph Norton was last inspected 9th April 2019 and we are extremely pleased that the letter we have received from Ofsted confirms that our school continues to be ‘good’ and highlights many strengths. Areas of continued improvement include safeguarding, behaviour, our innovative curriculum and the methods used to check pupil progress. The letter also remarks that ‘leaders are passionate about educating pupils with SEMH,’ there is a ‘clear vision for the school’ and that ’most pupils are making strong progress against their individual targets.’  

Particular highlights include:

  • Work in pupils’ exercise books is of a high quality.

  • Reading is an embedded culture within the school.

  • Hospitality lessons and work on the farm showcase the school’s real-life approach towards learning.

  • Each pupil’s social progress is measured effectively through the school’s assessment system and against the targets within their EHC plan.

  • All pupils who leave Year 11 move onto further education or apprenticeships.

The report also advises next steps, which include continuing to improve children’s social use of language and ensuring that tracking and monitoring of pupil progress continues to develop.

A copy of the letter can be accessed here.

The letter is testament to the incredible work of our staff team, the hard work and behaviour of our pupils and the support of our parents. As a school community, we are very proud of the outcome.

Parent View can be accessed here.

Performance Data

As a special school, the focus of our teaching and learning is preparing pupils for adulthood and equipping them for life in 21st Century Britain.  However, when they are ready and able, our pupils take SATs, GCSEs and a host of other qualifications and certificates.

Please be aware that because we are a small school with small cohorts there are occasions when individual pupils could be identifiable from the publication of performance data.  In these circumstances, to protect our pupils' identities, this data is suppressed.

KS2 (end of primary school) results 2023-24

Progress scores:

  • 67% achieved the expected level in reading. 0% achieved at least the expected standard in writing and maths.

  • 0% achieved at a higher standard in reading, writing and maths.

  • The average scaled scores in reading was 108

  • The average scaled score in maths was 94.

KS4 (end of secondary school) results 2023-24

  • No pupils at the school achieved a 5 or above in English and maths.

  • No pupils were entered for the EBacc.

  • 92% of pupils obtained an appropriate place in post-16 education or employment after KS4.


    The school’s Progress 8 score for 2023-24 is -2.1. The school’s Attainment 8 score for 2022-2023 is 3.8. Full details are available on the School Performance Tables, which are available here.