Charging and Remissions
The law on charging for school activities in schools is set out in Sections 449-462 of the Education Act 1996. Charging and remissions at Joseph Norton Academy are made in line with this legislation and reflect the following principles:
Joseph Norton Academy recognises the valuable contribution that a wide range of activities including school visits, afterschool clubs and residential experiences can make towards pupils’ personal and social education.
The Governing Body aims to promote and provide such activities both as part of a broad and balanced curriculum and as additional optional activities.
We believe that all our pupils should have an equal opportunity to benefit from school activities and visits (curricular and extra-curricular) independent of their parents’/carers’ financial means.
Activities where no charge will be made
At Joseph Norton Academy we do not charge for the following:
Admissions to our school
Education provided during school hours, including the supply of materials, books, instruments or other equipment
Education provided outside of school hours if it is part of the school’s curriculum
Entry for prescribed public examinations, where the pupil has been prepared for them at the school
Examination re-sit(s) if the pupil is being prepared for the re-sit(s) at the school
Transporting registered pupils to other premises where the governing body or local authority has arranged for pupils to be educated
Transport that enables a pupil to meet an examination requirement when they have been prepared for that examination at the school
Transport provided in connection with an educational visit
All pupils at Joseph Norton Academy are currently offered a free, nutritionally balanced lunch supplied by Shelley College; however, parents/carers are able to send a packed-lunch at their own expense if they prefer
N.B Free home to school transport is provided by the Local Authority at the start and end of the school day only. The end of the school day is determined by each pupil's individual timetable and agreed formally as part of the review process. The only exception to this is where pupils attend enrichment classes. The school cannot guarantee that transport will be available for pupils outside of these set times. All questions about school transport should be referred to School Transport at Kirklees Local Authority.
Activities where there may be a charge
We may charge for some activities that take place outside of the school day. The Head Teacher will decide when this is appropriate. Where we make a charge, the total collected will not exceed the cost of providing the activity and no parent/carer will be asked to subsidise the cost to other pupils by paying more than an amount equal to the total cost of the activity divided by the number of pupils participating.
No pupil will be discriminated against if financial circumstances prevent parents/carers from paying for an activity that takes place outside of a school day. In these circumstances we may choose to subsidise, in full or part, charges for certain activities and pupils, as determined by the governing body, advised by the Head Teacher. The circumstances in which concessions are applied will be subject to the application of a principle of equality of access to opportunities. There may be occasions on which differential fees are levied in response to the identified financial hardships that would otherwise prevent equality of access. On occasions, if there are insufficient contributions towards a trip or activity it may not take place.
Residential Activities
The school may charge pupils an amount up to the full cost of board and lodging on residential activities. An additional charge may be made for travel costs, although a voluntary contribution may be sought. The charge made for travel will cover the unit cost per pupil, no paying pupil will be required to subsidise the cost of non-paying pupils.
Damage and Loss to Property
A charge will be levied in respect of willful damage, neglect or loss of school property (including premises, furniture, equipment, books or materials). The charge will be the cost of replacement or repair or a lower cost may be set at the discretion of the Head Teacher.
If you require any further information, please contact the school.
For a copy of our policy, please click here.